Hero Outliner 03
Woman with Tribotecc Products

Application technology

Highly specialised on a broad basis. Our constant research and development work is an essential success factor for us and our customers.

Hero InnovationTribotecc MachineryTribotecc Machinery
Hero Outliner 01
Woman with Tribotecc Products

The expert on Metal sulfides

Specialty chemicals for highly engineered applications

Tribotecc MachineryTribotecc MachineryTribotecc Machinery
Hero Outliner 02
Woman with Tribotecc Products

Metal sulfides for friction materials

Global market and technology leader in high performance metal sulfides for brake pads and brake discs

Tribotecc MachineryTribotecc MachineryTribotecc Machinery
Hero Outliner 03
Woman with Tribotecc Products

Application technology

Highly specialised on a broad basis. Our constant research and development work is an essential success factor for us and our customers.

Hero InnovationTribotecc MachineryTribotecc Machinery
Hero Outliner 01
Woman with Tribotecc Products

The expert on Metal sulfides

Specialty chemicals for highly engineered applications

Tribotecc MachineryTribotecc MachineryTribotecc Machinery

As functional additives
, they are used in brake pads and clutch facings as well as in lubricants, polymers, powder metallurgy, abrasives, batteries and within a variety of other fields.

Tribotecc has also gained world Leadership in technology
and innovation.

The company develops, manufactures and distributes both synthetic and natural metal sulfides using a unique, patented synthetic manufacturing process. Tribotecc has the world’s largest capacities for various special metal sulfides.


Tribotecc Insights: Corporate Video

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Your five benefits with Tribotecc

Tribology (Greek) is the science of friction, wear and lubrication of surfaces in relative motion.

Advancing from the market and technology leader in tribology to a global expert in speciality chemicals for highly engineered applications.



Leadership in technology and innovation

Open to new ideas, we promote innovation.

Constant product quality

At Tribotecc, we guarantee reproducible products of constantly high quality.

Technical Support

We offer immediate assistance with any questions relating to technical concerns.

Impressive delivery reliability

Benefit from high on-time delivery performance when completing orders. 

Transparent Procedures

Count on maximum safety.
Home Elektronik

07 / Electronics

Products for
electronic Applications

Our premium products for
electronic applications.

Tribotecc ProductsTribotecc ProductsHero Electronics
Tribotecc Machinery

01 / Segments

Components of
essential everyday items.

Our top-quality additives for brake pads, lubricants, plastics, sintered compacts, cut-off and grinding wheels as well as photovoltaics and batteries contribute to the safety and comfort of many people all over the world.

Tribotecc is the only supplier worldwide producing in a specifically tailored way to meet customer requirements. A special synthetic manufacturing process guarantees the production of metal sulfides in any required composition, quantity and of consistent quality. This allows for reproducible products of superior and constant purity and of outstanding performance.

Home Reibmaterialien

02 / Friction

Metal Sulfides for friction Materials

Tribotecc is the global market and technology leader in high performance metal sulfides and development partner of the friction industry. Stabilizing the friction coefficient at a high level, our products increase comfort at the same time and extend the durability of brake pads and brake discs.

Product Brake Friction TriboteccSegment ReibProduct Brake Friction Tribotecc
Home Schmierstoffe

03 / Lubricants

High-Performance solid Lubricants for
the Lubricant Industry

Our revolutionary solid lubricants and synergistic solid lubricant systems based on synthetic metal sulfides are state-of-the-art for modern tribological technologies.

Segment SchmierSegment SchmierSegment Schmier
Home Kunststoffe

04 / Polymers

Superior Products for
solid Lubricants

Our high-performance solid lubricants based on synthetic metal sulfides are improving the tribological characteristics and the life time of polymer components.

Hero PolymersHero PolymersHero Polymers

05 / Powder Metallurgy

Functional Additives for
Powder Metallurgy

Our synthetic sulfides ensure that sintered parts are readily machinable and withstand maximum stress.

Segment SinterSegment SinterSegment Sinte
Home Schleifmittel

06 / Abrasives

Additives for

Our abrasive additives are ideal for all forms of grinding and cutting, such as precision grinding, rough-, cold and hot-grinding.

Segment SchleifSegment SchleifSegment Schleif
Home Elektronik

07 / Electronics

Products for
electronic Applications

Our premium products for
electronic applications.

Tribotecc ProductsTribotecc ProductsHero Electronics
Tribotecc Machinery

01 / Segments

Components of
essential everyday items.

Our top-quality additives for brake pads, lubricants, plastics, sintered compacts, cut-off and grinding wheels as well as photovoltaics and batteries contribute to the safety and comfort of many people all over the world.

Tribotecc is the only supplier worldwide producing in a specifically tailored way to meet customer requirements. A special synthetic manufacturing process guarantees the production of metal sulfides in any required composition, quantity and of consistent quality. This allows for reproducible products of superior and constant purity and of outstanding performance.

Woman with Tribotecc Product

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For more information please contact us to receive individual advice.


    Metal sufides for brake pads
